I do a lot of work for a design firm that supplies Burger King with Toy Designs and Package Art. Above is a color rough for a racy campaign idea they had in mind. The "Burger King" character as a real "player". Complete with poker chips and the cute babe to go with all the winnings. They also wanted a retro cartoony look to go along with it. Having never done work in this vein [ but always admiring the artists that do/did ] - I was excited to get to going.
Alas, this was another campaign that didn't really see the light of day but getting paid to fool around with design and color is always a special treat.
that's pretty cool but this new "King" campaign they have is creepy as all hell. I would shit my pants if I ever cut down a log in the forest and this dude was standing there. That and then cut him in half with my chainsaw. Sounds like you got a great gig there though, that's what I would love to be doing someday.
great character designs...i'm lovin' the hands on the "king".
LOL! Ryan. It's nice and I only freelance for them. Yep, that Burger King campaign is certainly peculiar...
Thanks Marco, those hands are pretty silly!
Your are Don Flowers. Who needs Shane?
Ha! I'm no Don Flowers and Shane's too damn talented for his own good! I'll settle for some table scraps.
I like this! It reminds me of Derek Yaniger's stuff a little.
I'll take that as a supreme compliment. Thanks Allan!
Fantastic work up here, just came across your blog!
Would have loved to seen this style done as an animated spot. Excellent Job!
Awesome stuff! Love the King-design. And that's exactly what you have on this blog. ;)
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